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Monday, December 13, 2010

Cell phone video surveillance solution

Wireless cell phone video surveillance solution is here adding a sense of personal security and safety it offers you real-time video monitoring.

Wireless cellular phone video surveillance solution
This technology utilizes the most powerful software applications
for remotely monitoring
from ANYWHERE in the world.

This is a solution that will turn any standard mobile phone into a high end security device.

The surveillance system brings video from video source such as USB or IP Camera to your mobile phone. It contains both the client and server software.

You can view your home, company, babysitter, parents, pets, etc.

You can view live snapshots from your webcams on mobile phone through
any kind of online connection from any location in the world.
In case of invasion, a real image helps prevent false alarm and cancel police dispatches to avoid the fines.

Enjoy the independence of watching all your cameras
on mobile phone anytime and from anyplace with just the tap of a button.

How does cell security work:

You connect your camera (USB, IP camera, or Camcoder) to your home pc
and setup the application.

The application records video and sound from webcam and sends it, as compressed
media stream, to web server.

You login to this Web server from your mobile phone and watch your webcam.

No particular application for your mobile phone is needed.

All about cell video surveillance.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

What's with SPONGEBOB?!?

Why everyone loves this non-sense sea-creature cartoon character??  hhmmm....??

Monday, December 6, 2010

KFC Double Down Sandwich - an ALL-MEAT experience!

As we went to SM City Rosales, we had our lunch at one of the most popular food chain in the country – KFC. KFC is the world's most popular chicken restaurant chain. They are well-known for its Original Recipe fried chicken. KFC specializes in different chicken flavors and of course chicken sandwiches. And as time goes by, they are now serving plated meals, pasta on a bowl, salads, desserts and a lot more that other food chain has.
So for the curiosity, we ordered the new KFC Double Down Sandwich.

It’s an all-meat sandwich. It has two thick chicken meat fillets, two pieces of bacon, and a slice of cheese with a mouth-watering delicious sauce! ALL-MEAT. NO BUN.
Based on my experience, I find it difficult to eat that sandwich, at first I was thinking, "How am I goin’ to eat this?? This side, or this side?" It’s difficult ‘coz the sandwich is too big for my mouth! So I ate it little by little, that it takes for almost 20 to 25 minutes.  LOL.
But in fairness, it’s very yummy and delicious! The meat is very juicy while the bacon is so tasty! KFC Double Down is indeed, a new chicken sandwich sensation! You can even choose what type of chicken meat do you want, the Original Recipe or Grilled.

I am recommending KFC Double Down Sandwich. It is truly one of the sandwiches that KFC can be proud of! You should try it now!

Thumbs up!!!

The New Manila - an ALL-MALT experience!

Have you heard the 'NEW MANILA' phenomenon?!
Well, it is very appealing to someone who will hear this. The New Manila thing is the 'taste of the NEW Manila Beer!'
Based on my research, Manila Beer is made up of 100% ALL-MALT! Malt is a barley or other grain soaked in water, allowed to sprout, and dried in a kiln. It is used in making liquor, especially Beer! It is also referred to as a beer of high alcohol content.
Manila Beer uses only malt, hops, and water to ensure the premium beer quality, unlike any other beers that uses ingredients other than malt, thus bringing down the beer's quality.

When I first tasted Manila Beer, it was just... Tasteless! Unlike other beers, it is not that bitter. It has a clean taste, and of course, a clean hit! But hey dude! after not less than 15 or 20 minutes, I felt like I was gettin' dizzy! Shocks! *Because it is an all-malt, it is considered too alcoholic. And since, that was the only time that I drink again.
That night, I immediately fell asleep... And when I woke up early morning, this thing surprised me, I have no any hang-over! No headaches, no dizziness, and NO AFTER TASTE! Just as nothing. 
That's the good thing I saw in Manila Beer. I think you should try it. It is just like a ladies-drink and it will not cost you that much. Unlike in the Bars around the city, if you will going to buy an all-malt beer, you just can't afford the price!

Manila Beer has two kinds of beer, the Manila strong, and of course, the New Manila Light! Manila strong is the red one, while the Manila Light is the bottle with a green color.

Taste the New Manila now! Available in all supermarkets or leading stores nationwide! 

Thursday, December 2, 2010

BAGUIO CITY - a one.night.of.happiness!

After 8 months... I was able to go again to the Summer Capital of the Philippines, Baguio City!

This made possible when my 'balikbayan' Uncle decided to have at least one-day vacation in Baguio, together with my beloved Mom, their cousin and a family friend. They went there early morning, all the way from Manila. But me, I just went there after my work here in Pangasinan. So, I missed some of their adventures in Baguio. While I was not yet there, they went to The Mansion, Wright Park, and the popular Burnham Park.

After the client meeting I had with my Boss, I went to Baguio. It was 3:20 in the afternoon to be exact. It took two and a half hours bus ride. When I got there... Dude, it’s raining! The weather was sooooooooo coooold! I was chilling, as if I have a high fever... I cannot handle the cold temperature! Uurrrgh...

Anyway… enough for that. An incident actually made my day. Imagine, the transient house that they rented is my *close friend's dormitory! (Actually, that Vistro Pensionne house; is not just a dormitory but also a transient house.)  What a coincidence! That night was amazing! I had the chance to be with my ‘close friend’, AGAIN. We laughed, took pictures, and even shared each other’s problems or issues. Hmmm… I was really happy that night! ^_^

The next day, it was raining again. Nevertheless, we need to get up and stroll around the city for the last time. For breakfast, we went down along the Session Road. It was good, though we ate for just a couple of minutes.
After the sizzling and delicious breakfast we had, we went to the famous Camp John Hay!
Today, Camp John Hay is one of the most popular visitor attractions in Baguio City. It features an excellent golf course that has a bent grass greens and a recreational facilities that is suitable for a family or business trip! Inside the CJH, there is the popular condotel, which is, The Manor. It is so damn amazing! WOW! is the only word that can describe The Manor. But unfortunately, we did not take any pictures there. Instead, we tried to go to the upper part of the place. We took some pictures at the House of Waffles, one of the cafes near the Golf Course. It was fun!
In Camp John Hay, there are shopping centers, fine-dining restaurants, and a world-class clubhouse, and others.

After the picture taking at CJH, we went to one of the green parks of Baguio CityThe Baguio Botanical Garden. I was so happy because that was the first time that I went there. I’ve been to the City of Pines for how many times but still, I wasn’t able to go to Botanical Garden. 

At the main entrance, there are group of Igorots who are dressed in their native attire. If you want, you may take souvenir pictures with them, of course, there’s a fee, but you can refuse if you don’t want.
When we enter inside, there are different huge Igorot statues that surrounded the park, native Cordillera huts known as the Igorots’ dwelling place with towering pine trees around and flowering plants that you can enjoy by walking thru stone-paved pathways. As we go to the other side of the park, there is the Filipino-Japanese Memorial Park. Moreover, we discovered a cave located there! So being an adventurous person, I decided to go inside. I borrowed a flashlight from the boys who were outside the cave. It was really dark and it was just like a maze. However, the cave was not that scary. As soon as I exit the cave, I just said to myself, “Yun lang ba yun? Parang wala lang.” LOL.

There are stores inside the park where you can buy some souvenir items or ‘pasalubong’.

As we left the Baguio Botanical Garden, my heart was filled with joy! For me, it was memorable. I will never forget the time that I was with them. Sooooo happy!!! ^_^

How time flies… Whether we like it or not, we need to go home.

My visit in Baguio City took only for just one night. But that one night, brings so much happiness to me! It feels like I want to go back there as soon as possible. Hmmm…??
Maybe this month? Hope so. :)

>> more pictures on Krising's FB Account! ^_^